Saturday 29 September 2012


The inspiration to write this blog just sprung up in my mind a few minutes ago while I was chatting with my pretty sister. It was about the banking sector in Nigeria. There was a revolution in our banking system where some banks had to merge with other banks to strengthen their asset base. I jokingly acted a scenario where a woman came into the bank for her money, only to be told that she would never get her money ever again for some some odd ball reasons. 

Like I said, it was just a joke and a scenario I painted.

Now, lets assume you were the one in the picture, how would you react assuming it is all you have ever worked for? 

Will you just be like 'The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh, Glory be to God' and just walk out the door smiling and singing 'Halleluia! Halleluia! or you would slump down flat on the floor dead or just jump round about and loose your mind? Hahahaha!!! 

From my perception, I bet a whooping 60% would be close to the later, if they don't hit those extremes. 

During the early period of the recent recession, I saw the picture of this beautiful family consisting of a man, his wife and their beautiful three children. The man had lost his job and fate didn't spare his wife's either. For him the reason for living was not within sight, and so he killed his entire family including himself. This happened in America where most Africans see as an escape route from recession and poverty.

Another was the story of a multi-millionaire who lost almost all his wealth during the beginning of the evil days of the stock market. He ended up hanging himself.

These were two out of the numerous other touching stories I have heard in this challenging period for the world. You may also have a story or two to tell to this regard.

To those who took their own lives, it is easy to conclude that money, wealth and luxury was the air they breathe and when that was snatched for what could have been a little while, they couldn't wait.

These takes me now to what I term the most difficult question in the world:


I call it so because it is the most spiritized question in the world such that if you catch up with the devil in his to and fro journey and ask him this same question, he would say he loves God more. Hahahaha!

But here is a quick test to help you get the true answer for this question, even if it is just to know for yourself:


An honest answer will show that a good percentage and only a little shy from 100% has substituted God in their lives for money, wealth or fame. It didn't stop there but has even gone farther to eject God away from His church that people want to hear about money more than anything else. A statistic showed that money is one of the most used word in our everyday conversation.

Will you continue to worship the creation over the Creator? 

Just before you call this worship of money: norm, trend or a way of life, it is important to note that even though it could give you many things, it cannot give everything but God can

I remember at this point the story of a couple, the husband about 70 and his wife about 64 who lost everything they got during the hurricane that struck their state in the US. This couple were equally qualified to end their lives like the ones I earlier mentioned but he said something that makes the whole difference. He said 'I took my wife's hand and God took mine, and we moved on'. This was easy for them because for them it was God over anything else and so they lived. 

They knew the One who is the reason for living and you can meet Him too, if you haven't already.

So now my friends God is all you need and by all I mean all. 

Money will come and go but He will remain. 

And one more thing you must always know is the fact that ''It is God that gives you the power, grace, wisdom and strength to make or accumulate wealth''.

I love you but God loves you more.

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