Sunday 20 January 2013


Wow friends! It is always an utmost excitement to come at you with great motivational and inspiring blogs and adding this one didn't come with a lesser feeling than the previous ones you have read of me. In the past few weeks I have been getting calls from Publishing Companies and potential business prospects and this has revealed me to a ME that I have never met before.

It was said by a wise man that there isn't any man who can't do far more than he thinks or believe he can do. The validity of this saying reveals itself when we decide to launch out to the deep. 

Stretch out some more. 

Untie ourselves from the cord of past successes. 

Leave the cliques of Cant-dos to join the Can-dos. 

Reading some more books in the direction of our vision. 

Watching a documentary or just simply attending a seminar. Just something to awake the giant in you.

The is a greater YOU inside, whom you haven't met yet. 

He is great in all respect and is worthy of stardom and international recognition BUT only if you will unleash it. 

In the most cases only a few, about 20%, if up to, have discovered that giant and have been adorned with the honour they deserve. But good news is, that list isn't closed yet and it is incomplete without your name.

Get up and look inside. Search to find the TRUE YOU and introduce him to the world through that book, music, invention, poem, sermon, etc.

To know there is a greater YOU, that you are yet to meet is a prove that wherever you are now, isn't your final destination

You can go farther and much farther than that. 

You can make that invention that will hit the Guinness Book of Record. 

You can start that business that will make it to Forbes Magazine. 

You can employ a few more thousands. 

You can give thousands of scholarships. 

You can feed millions of hungry people. 

You can be the answer to the prayer of Africa. 

Yes! You can be all that but certainly not with who you are right and you won't need to go out of you to get it. Like the Peak Milk Advert says 'It is in you'

Get it out and we will be here to shake hands and celebrate the giant (YOU) emerging from the coast of Africa.

If you are set, the world is equally set to receive you at the top, so see you there.

God bless you, God bless Nigeria, God bless Africa and everywhere else.

I love you.

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