Sunday 23 August 2020



A warm good morning, good afternoon and good evening to every Victor Cosmas Blog readers across the entire planet.

I console with everyone whose health, emotions and livelihood have been negatively impacted by this deadly pandemic, Covid-19.

I cry with the entire world.

Nevertheless, I congratulate you all reading this humble epistle for staying alive and I however pray that as many that are currently engaging the deadly virus on the battleground will prevail.

Dreams are mental pictures conceived by our minds and played before our inner eyes. 

Photo credit:

Image source: Huffington Post

Dreams are pictorial.

They can be illustrated or explained.

And yes, dreams come true.

In this context, my intention is to center on life's dreams.

Dreams in this instance, symbolizes ones inner desires, passions or inner-will to attain a certain achievement at a course.

Business. Career. Family. Ministry. Society. Politics. Others.

They are mental pictures of Innovations and Inventions, so clear that we can build them in reality.

Some amazing dreams were the Wright Brothers Airplane, Thomas Edison's Light-bulb, Henry Ford's motor car, J.K Rowling's Harry Potters, Chimamanda Adichie's Half of a Yellow Sun and God's Earth.

Dreams are the creative nature of God impacted to humanity to create a better society for himself and others.

A dream intoxicates. It persuades you to build it. It distracts you from distractions. 

An actualized dreams  brings you great rewards, happiness, love, fulfillment, peace and satisfaction than any other thing in this world can bring you.

You have a dream and the entire world depends on it.

Ever imagined if Henry didn't actualize his dreams of a motor car? We'd all pay heavily for it.

It might not be a motor car or an airplane or an insurance business for you, it could just be a children book-club, a book, a music album, a mathematical formula, a local machine, a social media account catering for a positive course, a community business or a voluntary commitment towards a better world.

The entire purpose of this blog is to silently listen to your inner being and hear that positive voice calling to your attention in your family, community and world. 

Invest your time, energy and money to it and build it.

Start today because life is a destination and we don't have forever.

God bless a dream actualized world.

Stay safe.

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