Saturday 17 October 2020



May I take a minute to observe silence for those who lost their lives at the Lekki Toll Gate Massacre of the Black Tuesday of 20.10.2020.

May the souls of the departed rest in perfect peace.

I condemn in the strongest term such inhuman act.

I am a Nigerian.

I say this with the same breathe, ego and pride with which Donald Trump will describe himself as American and Boris Johnson, as Britain.

And good #EndSARS evening to the entire world.

    Symbol of the EndSARS movement.

I raise a fist in honour of everyone across the world who is standing shoulder to shoulder with the Nigerian people in this time of our struggle for survival.

I welcome you all into the labour room of the birth of a New and Greater Nigeria

"A Nigeria where the child of a nobody can become somebody without knowing anybody" as a true Nigerian legend, Aisha Yesufu puts it.

A Nigeria where who your father is, what religion you belong to and where you are from doesn’t matter as much as what you have to offer.

A Nigeria of merit.

And as I have always dreamt, that Nigeria is not just possible, it is possible today.


Special Anti-Robberies Squad, famous as SARS is a wing of the Nigerian police created to combat armed criminals in Nigeria.

But for a long while, the men of this force unit have turned their weapons on innocent Nigerian populace, particularly the youths.

There are evidences that they have killed several innocent Nigerians in multiple extrajudicial killings and jailed many who didn’t meet their high demands.

A true kidnap-for-ransom experience.

    Men of the Nigerian security outfit, SARS.

Many professionals and legitimate individuals have also been harassed, beaten and extorted.

None that I know about have been prosecuted.

When you drive into their net, day or night, you are not sure what level of horror you just got yourself into.

You better pray you come out alive.

That bad!

Many Nigerians continue to live with the painful scar and trauma their encounter with the notorious police unit have inflicted on them and their families.

Many have been deformed by their reign of terror and many others have died, with their memories only with their families and loved ones.

Many times victims, their families and loved ones have cried to the government and all the time they have turned deaf ears while our blood continues to flow on our streets.

A very precise explanation of the word, impunity.


It is not true to say that the government is not aware of SARS atrocities on Nigerian youths, but if it is true, then we didn’t have a government all the while we thought we did.

Or, it is either that the lives of Nigerians lost didn’t matter.

Or that they were less Nigerians than the government.

The reality is captioned in Michael Jackson’s line “They don’t really care about us


Democracy is power-in-the-hands-of-the-people kind of government.

It is a system of government that trust a deserving representative to be in charge to execute the people’s will. Majority or minority. Rich or poor. Powerful or weak.

It is the people’s will you do and not otherwise, or you are not a fit representative.

Reform isn’t name change, that's nomenclature, from my rusty understanding of vocabularies.

The word, Reform defines itself as “Re” then “Form” call it, Form Again.

I hereby define Reform as forming again but this time, following a genuine, transparent, merit and well-guided procedures.

The youths of Nigeria and the entire Nigerian nation continues to suffer the excruciating pains of the bites inflicted on them by the system, deliberately orchestrated to intimidate and oppress them.

Enough is enough.


What oil well can replace the potentials of 33,652,424 highly gifted and heavily talent youth force.

What asset?

Black leaders have been notorious for neglecting the most important part of nation building, the youths.

The killings of the youths of any nation, is the killing of that nation.

It is synonymous to complete annihilation.

And to even watch this happen as a leader is a war crime in my view.

A nation with no Justice blueprint is a nation calling for Jungle Justice and anarchy.

Justice is the only way to placate the oppressed.

The police are killing us.


We must have the nation we have always wanted.

And we must have it now.

The police cannot continue to be a rich man or politician’s luxury while the poor who cannot afford one are intimidated and tortured by the same police force.

Police must protect the people.

That is what the constitution says.

And those who brutalized people must be prosecuted.

We want a new Nigeria and to this call there is no going back.

A Nigeria that understands that good governance is good for us all.

A Nigeria that delivers the will of the people.

A Nigeria that respects the constitutional rights of the people.

Such as our right to a peaceful protest to demand good governance as it is now.

Protect us, don’t kill us.










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