
Monday 30 November 2020


It is my original desire to deliver my message in a tone that is not misrepresented as mean, distasteful and unfriendly but then I find no words that can properly paint black as white. 

A government that turns his guns on peaceful youth protesters clearly says that life holds no value in his eyes and in my thought, it is incapable of protecting lives and property and is way capable of worse horror. 

           Photo credit:

Therefore, I am worried but not dismayed at the horrible killings in Nigeria. 

Evil is emboldened upon our land and good is violently silenced. 

I have stated clearly that our true enemies are not Boko Haram, Bandits, Miscreants, Hoodlums and the other names that'd be invented in the coming future, but those we sentimentally installed to manage our Justice System. Yes. 

Kidnappings and Killings happens in Nigeria in broad daylight and no one comes to our rescue. 

Even armed security agents avoids the terrorists path, lol. 

They struggle to get train tickets in order to avoid deadly roads. 

Who will rescue us! 

The government oppresses you so much that if you manage to succeed, they come after you because they are so sure you cannot succeed with the weight of oppression, intimidation and extortion you're subjected to. 

World, Nigerians are hardworking and sincere people. 

They love their country and wishes to remain here. 

They are always happy and wishes others good things as well. 

We are not the monsters we seem. 

We are tortured and crafted into the beasts we have become. 

We hate who we have been forced into. 

We have asked for a better country and you all saw that our blood was spilled by those who have vowed that we'd all die in sorrow, tears and blood. 

We want differently but we have been shackled and bounded in chains. 

Those who should help us are quiet for the sake of our oil they enjoy cheaply in bad deals negotiated by those who line their pockets with our common wealth. 

We have impressed the world in science, business, arts and sports at every opportunity.  

Why are we stars when we step out of our territory but dummies and irrelevant in our own terrain?

I feel safe to conclude it is not the people but the land and those who runs its affairs. 

Our enemies now slit the throats of those who provides us with food, our farmers. My heavy hearts are not only with their families but also with those who'd pay the huge price for killing those who fill our stomachs and that is the whole of us. 

I point no fingers but I humbly ask that everyone from the apex office to the interior villages of Nigeria searches within themselves and answer these questions; 

Am I part of the problem or the solution of this country. 

Am I a blessing or a curse. 

Have I handled well what I have been trusted with. 

I know there are still many who'd put tribe and religion before open minded reasoning, I know quite a number of them even in top leadership positions, but please kindly assess the state of the nation;

Are we progressing or regressing?

One thing I know for sure is that true Nigerians will continue to speak up and resist the enemies of our nationhood and where they are gagged, they'd groan until their voices are heard and their desires enacted. 

They will fight with the last strength of their being from the North, South, East and West till the rampage of evil is exorcised.  

God heal Nigeria.

Good morning world. 

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