
Sunday 19 March 2023


I am just so excited to be writing to you again, the global family of VICTOR COSMAS BLOG.

I am particularly thankful to our readers in Nigeria and from the US and UK, France, Egypt and most surprisingly Somalia, Sudan and Saudi Arabia, including many other countries of the world.

I am honoured to be worthy of your time.

For nearly a decade, I have been sharing my thoughts on developments and using this platform to lend my contributions to the building of my country, Nigeria.

The Nigerian flag.

I do not share in the popular believe that Nigeria is irreversibly corrupt or irredeemably destroyed by the errors or greed of our founding fathers.

While the repercussions of their sins are visible around us, we are the chosen generation.

By the way, I'm officially an Agric farmer now 😂. 

While I was away, I was getting animal husbandry skills and I'm teaching young people across the world how to raise chicken, fishes and goats via my YouTube channel.

Subscribe and join the training for free.

Now back to it 😁

I also do not think that the way out is an eternal exodus which Nigerians now know as Jakpa 🤣 (A Yoruba word for "migrating abroad").

A broad look at Nigeria shows a beautiful nation cited in the best geography with an awesome climate.

You do not want to go into details of both our human and mineral potential.

Read about us.

We have come to be known globally by what we have achieved.

But again, we are the poverty capital of the world.


Self serving leaders have lined their pockets with the masses wealth, like a dishonest man helping the blind to pick up monies that dropped from his briefcase.

Mere human beings who arrogantly and shamelessly pulled huge sums from the collective treasury of our nation to fortify their family and terrains only.

An epic show of a failed state.

It is even inexplicably inhuman to know they do not care about the welfare of children, women, youth and the old.

These small units of leaders have become anti-system and anti-progress, weaponizing poverty, illiteracy and tribe for political gains.

The height of any career in Nigeria is a political office which comes with immunity and a Hollywood lifestyle.

No dreams.

No visions.

No plans.

Don't be told differently, you gotta be a man to stay Nigerian.

I'm talking about a real man.

Or what do you call be cut from electricity whenever and atimes for days or not having access to clean water or driving at night without street lights or not having any hope of getting education or food except you're privileged.

Basic things are luxuries here.

I mean ordinary things.

Think about a nation where state funded daredevils snatches election ballot boxes and attack voters who came out to exercise their civil right in the full glare of state posted policemen.

Just think about it.

Now, score our security.

If you ever find a Nigerian in your space or country, please extend all the love you can to him, he really been through 😂

The high rate of crime in our country's space today isn't because Nigerians are lazy as Outgoing President Muhammadu Buhari once mentioned, it is because the nation is crushing its own people and there is a gang up by these tyrants to take turns to crush us.

It is no longer enough to hold a degree or have a handwork.

It is more and almost unreachable

In every time in history, people must find a way of survival, some through honesty and some, through dishonest means.

Where honest means are scarce or far reached, crime becomes an option.

Never let people venture into kidnapping, fraud, robbery, political thuggery and other crimes at the first place or you may never be able to get them out.


How you gon do this?

Create jobs.

Improve ease of doing business.

Educate and empower the youth force.

And it'd take government to do this.

This is why I'm particularly sorry for those who are not part of the government and governing process of their nation.

Even more, I am utterly disgusted at the lowlives among us who carry out the nauseating act of diverting the will of the people.

I think that these people are barbaric and a disgrace to any nation.

They are true examples of beasts of no nations.

Our problems are not unsolvable, our problems are deliberately abandoned for the selfish gain our greedy ruling class milk from our pains, agony and sufferings.

Africa's pace in the global space today is snail-like because of the wealth our stagnancy bring to the strong and powerful amongst us.

The international community cannot be absolved of any blame. 

How do you open your countries educational, medical and tourist sector to those you know clearly emptied their people just so you can enrich your economy.

What is Africa worth to you.

As global powers, what level of pressure are you willing to exert to help preserve our hijacked democracy?

Come out straight.

Nigeria and African leaders, it is your responsibility to ensure the welfare and security of your country men and women and not just that of your family and friends.

I found out this is the sole responsibility of government.

Don't get huge loans from China who are exploiting both their huge human and mineral potentials to develop themselves, while you abandon yours, only depending on those that maximizes theirs.

This is the real laziness and an act of negligence and disregard for our general potentials.

How can you be so rich and be so indebted at the same time, with nearly 80 percent of your population not feeling the impact of your huge borrowings.

We Nigerians by now must know that one, no one is coming for us, and two it's going to take Nigerians.

Arise o compatriot.

God bless Nigeria.

We are a free publication looking to reach millions across the world with balanced message and happenings within our beautiful country Nigeria.

We welcome voluntary donations across the globe to expand our reach.

Donate to our Zenith Bank Account:

Abia Victor Cosmas

Thank you ❤️

1 comment:

  1. Thank you mr Victor for this so very educative episode. But I have come to the conclusion that our problem is not just the corrupt old people that says they are our leaders but mainly we as a people. The earlier we see ourselves as one the better for us .


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