
Friday 22 June 2012


Hey friends! I know that you would love to be at the level where the best people in the world are. 

You would love to be the one doing positive exploits. Making headline news for great achievement. 

You would certainly love to be the one who gets a few thousand snapshots each time you step out of your cool car, private jet or your entourage. Life at the top is one of the sweetest experiences you would love to have and keep for a lifetime. 

Think about people of like-passion like you and I, such as Aliko Dangote, Bill Gate, Donald Trump, Mark Zukerberg and the others who made it to the top. 

How on earth did they all get that far that the world would almost squint to see them in their almost-near-the-sun height? This is what I intend to address. The enemy of you attaining such a height is what I want to expose. It is called PROCRASTINATION.

Procrastination from my definition is a conviction to take a bold step in the right direction but acting on seemingly wise and diplomatic excuses and hence neglecting it for a fictional date  called TOMORROW.
                                                                            ......Cosmas Victor

These excuses might include academic qualifications, race, stature, age, human connections, finances and many others. Procrastination is having a great potential and not releasing it.

I have never seen an award for the greatest book that was never written or the award for the greatest song that was never heard or an award for the greatest company that was never started

So like the saying in the Movie; Sisters Act 'if you want to be somebody, if you want to go somewhere then you have got to stand up and pay attention'. And I will like to add 'Stand up and get moving'.

You can identify when you are procrastinating when your statement are dominated with COULDs, WOULDs and SHOULDs. I want to encourage you to do whatever there is to do NOW

If you want to write don't do it tomorrow, do it NOW

If you want to sing don't wait for a Record Label to sign you. Start singing NOW. 

If you want to start a business, don't wait to get a Microsoft sized Villa, start from that place where you are NOW.

'I would start my business next year, then I would have got my college degree' cool! But you could be getting a degree and a business at the same time.

'Oh! I am exempted from this topic, I don't even have a High School Diploma' Well that might hinder you from getting a job in a Fortune 500 company but it will never stop you from starting your own Fortune 500 company. 

'I am paralyzed and can't make much out of this subject' Oh! so sorry about that, but John C. Milo made it to the top being paralyzed.

So the truth is 'There is no excuse for failure and Procrastination is a great enemy of progress.

So I say if you want to be an Author, then get a note and start writing with a pen even if it seem no one will want to read it. 

If you want to be a singer, start writing your songs in a book and keep it in your best folder. Sing those songs always and go for auditions.

Congratulations on your freedom from Procrastination. 

See you at the top.

Keep  reading, I love you.

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