
Tuesday 26 June 2018


Hello everyone from around the globe and you that regular reader of Victor Cosmas Blog. Am amazed at the love coming in from Nigeria, USA, UK, Germany, France, Russia, Singapore, Ghana and other countries of the world reading our blog, I appreciate you all and I pray that your countries experience security, unity and peace. 

I write this with a broken spirit and a very heavy heart. Yes, that is very unlike me. 

Over the weekend we lost over a hundred precious lives of potential nationalists, successful businessmen, song writers, poets, tomorrow leaders and global icons whose destinies were not allowed the chance to blossom simply because they were murdered in cold blood by some wicked souls in our midst in Plateau State Northeastern Nigeria. It is however more provoking that even children and women were victims of this attack. 

It is a black week for the entire Nigerian people. 

Please where ever you are reading this in the world, can I beg you to observe a minute's silence in honour of the departed souls of the weekend Plateau State attack

I don't have to be a statistician to know that recently the death rate in Nigeria has fired up astronomically. What makes it even worse is when you find out the majority of these deaths resulted from murder and most often one name keeps popping up when you care enough to know the perpetrators "Fulani Herdsmen".

I would have thought that knowing the name of a criminal organization perpetrating this dastardly acts and digging into their criminal activities could help a government whose sincere intent is to fight and win the war against insecurity and corruption but even with this knowledge we continue to have recurrent attacks by the same group unchallenged. 

My greatest fear is that our children will scream Fulani Herdsmen whenever they see a corpse in the future the same way we scream Up NEPA when electricity is restored after a long wait. 

A whole 125 lives of men, women and children in their homes, this is homicide! 

I am often amazed most times when the black people complain of ill-treatment by their white counterpart, I just say in my mind, how do you treat yourselves in your own countries? 

How much value do you place on the blood of another black brother. Even worse is that the recent attacks we experience in Nigeria are Nigerian-on-Nigerian attacks even when our government continue to claim they are cross border attacks. 

How on earth would the world value you if in your homes your life isn't more important than a pound of beef. How can life worth so small to us that we can give so much away just to achieve political gratification. 

I want to say this for emphasis that until Africans see themselves as precious, useful and intelligent the other continents will see no value in us. Nothing is sold beyond it's value, that is fraud! 

How can we be so creative, so willing, so motivated, so committed but yet so backward, stagnant, primitive and so inhuman. 

How many more will die before politicians start to explore other means of politicking that isn't BLOOD

Our newspaper and online news headlines cannot continue to read "Bloodbath in Nigeria as 125 loss their lives to herdmen's attack", "Herdsmen killed priests and 8 children", "Tens of Muslims killed in the mosque by Boko Haram" or "Christians killed in a church on Sunday" while politicians continue to live their normal opulent lives and expect the world to treat us as human beings. 

The world might even see us as blood sucking vampires just for not taking very urgent steps towards ending these unworthy killings. 

If we are quiet and normal at this time of this well orchestrated homicide then we are a disgrace to our very own flesh and the blood in us is a waste. 

Political aspiration should be rooted on worthiness, wisdom and knowledge to deliver to the well researched needs of a multi-ethnic and multi-religious people as the case is in Nigeria. 

Everyday Africa continue to sink into tribal disunity and religious bigotry sold to them by unscrupulous blood thirsty political elements whose selfish desires are to crookedly emerge as a winner in a poll. They even go as far as arming these unguarded persons with sophisticated weapons. 

If it isn't, why would there exist a terrorist group called Boko Haram (Western Education is a sin by interpretation). Isn't this because such people behind them knows that with that education their minds would be free to know good and evil? They literally keep this poor and helpless young men in the dark by refusing to educate them so as to easily and freely sell any ideology to them that promotes their political desires. How mean! 

Any religion that that does not preach love and a peaceful coexistence with all people of a world of diverse traditions, views, language, opinions and thoughts only resembles one entity in character, the devil! 

An excellent political score sheet is one that clearly shows security of lives and prosperity, high maternal safety rate, improved standard of living of her citizens, education of about three-fourth of her citizens, freedom of worship, protection of women and children, human right promotion and peaceful coexistence of people of all tribes, language, political views and so on. 

We cannot continue like this, it is risky and unacceptable. 

We want to beg the international community not to remain silent in our plight because our politicians are too busy playing BLOOD POLITICS. 

Please Facebook, Instagram and tweet with the hashtag #stopthekillingsinnigeria.

God bless Nigeria, God bless Africa and the entire world. 

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