
Friday 8 June 2018


Hello Victor Cosmas Blog readers! Good day to you all from the beautiful, peaceful and serene country of Nigeria. It is always a sweet pleasure to share my candid opinion concerning the political, social, economic and religious issues that threatens our unity and impede our progress as a united nation.

I want to say boldly that I recognize, acknowledge and respect the government of President Muhammadu Buhari. I am a proud, educated and hardworking Nigerian and a total believer of the President Muhammadu Buhari "Change Begins With You" mantra. I believe in the future of this nation.

For the benefit of those who may not know,  Chief Moshood Kashimawo Abiola popular as M. K. O Abiola born August 24, 1937 was a well meaning Nigerian Politician, a hardworking successful business man and a world class philanthropist.

  Chief M. K. O Abiola
  Image Source: dailypost

The big deal is that Chief M. K. O Abiola was the original winner of the June 12 1993 general election, a date that ranks only next to October 1st 1960 in popularity in the history of Nigeria.  Abiola won that presidential election in Nigeria's first free and fair election as local and international observers confirmed.

Abiola was a staunch Muslim and a polygamist. In one sentence "He was a good man and a well meaning Nigerian". He saw that education was very eminent towards achieving a bright future for Nigeria and Nigerians. He went into business to produce cheap writing materials for Nigerians when the imported ones became too expensive for the average man due to a huge crash in naira to dollar value. This was just so that every Nigerian can go to school.

But at the moment you may never hear Abiola mentioned as a past president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. First, that outstanding election was annulled by the then military president, General Ibrahim Babangida. Secondly, he was arrested and detained by General Sani Abacha who ordered 200 police vans to bring him into custody for treason.

What was his crime? He declared himself the legal president with the support of the international community.

Then his whole life, ambition and dreams for a great Nigeria was incarcerated in a cell room with just the BibleQuran and 40 guards.

Many prominent global human right activists pleaded for his release but Abiola would never renounce his presidency which was the only condition for his release. He remained in custody till his death on July 7, 1998 at the age of 60, about the time he was due for release.

The Wikipedia account of Chief Moshood Abiola states that the cause of his death was suspicious even though autopsy done in Nigeria provided that he died of natural cause. Al Mustapha who worked closely with Abacha still holds that he has audio and video proof that the political icon was beaten to death. The autopsy done by a foreign doctor has not been released for public hearing till today.

For his courage and dream for a better Nigeria, his lovely wife Chief Kudirat
Abiola was assassinated in cold blood for drumming support for her husband's presidency.

For many years, justice for Abiola's presidency abolition by the Ibrahim Babangida regime and his subsequent imprisonment by the Abacha government remains in the political darkroom only to be awakened as a last resort to save a sinking political ship.

Nigerians can recall that during the stormy days of the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan's government and his quest to return to Aso Villa for the second time, he moved to rename the prestigious University of Lagos (UNILAG) to Moshood Abiola University Lagos (MAULAG). This move was heavily resisted and viewed as a political move to win cheap votes from the huge political followers of the Egba born political idol.

Let's just say Jonathan failed to succeed in that bid, lol.

Now on June 7, 2018 the Muhammadu Buhari regime made history by acknowledging M. K. O Abiola as the true winner of the historic June 12  election and therefore officially named June 12 Nigeria's Democracy Day with effect from 2019 against the May 29 date that has been observed for 18 years. The presidency is equally awarding the political icon the highest national honour in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Grand Commander of Federal Republic (GCFR) posthumously.

              The official declaration of June 12.                  as democracy day
              Source: Twitter

This is a brilliant move and justice for the entire Yoruba race and as a matter of fact the entire Nigerian people and something President Buhari would be immortalised for.


It is everywhere that the Buhari's government has taken great and remarkable steps in the fight against corruption but insecurity and economy is nothing to talk about. The administration has blamed past leaders for it's shortcomings and in return has received serious criticism from the masses and former leaders of the country like Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Ibrahim Babangida and Yakubu Gowon among others.

It is however baffling how the right things can be placed on hold in Nigeria, only to be explored for political gains. What about history for posterity and what about justice?

As crucial as the true story of Abiola's situation is to the progress of our young democracy, the two governments that have taken steps to do something in honour of the late national leader seem to have only opted for that option prior to their uncertain second term bid.

We must not be a nation that knows the truth just for the knowledge but a nation that implement the truth. This is the only time that we can become a true member of a civilized world.

It is worthy of celebration that finally the Buhari administration has taken that bold step to honour a true icon but it is however regrettable that even though Chief M. K. O Abiola clearly won the June 12 presidential election, the good man never ruled Nigeria.

We must be a country that allows justice to thrive or else we would never amount to our full stature as the true giant of Africa.

God bless Nigeria, God bless Africa and God bless a world of equality, justice and non racial discrimination.

Abia Victor Cosmas.
Twitter @victorcosmas

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