
Friday 15 February 2019


February twenty-third is the presidential election of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and so I feel a strong need to put this written note in the archive of history.

It is important you vote! Yes, it is.

Photo credit: Victor Cosmas campaign #DidIVote

I do not believe our elections are not credible, not just because I am an optimist but because up till date there aren't much totally accepted elections around the world. Even the election that brought President Donald Trump of the United States to power is still questioned, just like ours have been. 

I am not trying to uphold electoral malpractices or give excuses for why we can't be the first or among the few to have one, I am only saying it is wrong to slam "Not Credible" on our electoral procedures. 

That is not fair!

Election(s) is a process where the people exercise the "government by the people" aspect of Democracy.

This is when you are saddled with the responsibility of taking responsibility for your future and that of your children. This include your dreams, aspirations, education, healthcare, environment, security, peace and prosperity.

It will be harmful to chicken out the value of our contributions and investment to our democracy because of fear and disbelief of the process or system generally. Lets not make light of our "single vote", it is extremely significant for selecting the person who would manage our lives for the next four-to-eight years. That's quite an ample time to want to throw away!

This is sure a very key decision and you should be a part of it.

Social media and political parties can give you one or two information about a candidate. However, they can also shield or mislead you from the facts, if you depend hundred percent on information you get from such places. Be warned, they are the kings of "Fake News" most times, lol.

Do your research yourself and without bias or sentiment. Go deeper!

You must do the hard work of weighing the character, experience, achievements, intelligence, diligence, credibility and creativity of the person who would manage the affairs of your life for that long. If he is worthy, vote for him but if he isn't, do not vote for him. But be sure to vote for someone.

We cannot just afford to fold our arms and say "what will be would be", your dreams shouldn't be that cheap.  

Nigeria in Africa, is both the light and the light bearer of the entire continent, I do not mean any disrespect to our brother nations. It is home to the most creative creatures on the universe. Sadly, it has also been named the worst place to be born on earth as well as the poverty capital of the world. Hurtful!

Why then should you decide to stay away from engaging actively to change the ills of your nation. Where then shall we say we are a patriotic people if "Compatriots cannot Arise", especially now that Nigeria needs us the most.

Hate me or like, Nigeria will be Great Again. When? When you get involved and do something.

I want to say this clearly for our religious citizens who feel participating in politics is a SIN. It is not! As a matter of fact, it is "not participating" that is bad.

Nothing is more true than the saying "Evil thrive when good men do nothing"

Who is a good man? that man who wants good, not just for his family and friends, but also for his entire society; nation, continent and the world. This is a man or woman who is ever willing to stand up against injustice, even when his or her household are living in security and peace. That man who wants his country to prosper. That man who will promote his country's interest wherever he goes in the world. 

Politics is not bad, it is bad people in politics that is bad and now you have the chance to keep them or get them out. 

That opportunity is here again. 

Election is a just a day away and it would not come again until another four years. Take advantage of this golden opportunity.

Be sure to vote for a good man whose priority is God, Nigeria, Family and friends (if there is still time left, lol). 

If you ever read this as a leader, political office is not the height of human achievement or a mint to line your pocket with wealth, it is slavery to the people. Yes, slavery...servanthood! 

It means a voluntary decision to bear the burden of others rather than just your own, in return for little or nothing. It is a choice, it is not compulsory.

It is more sacrificial than lucrative. It is in perceiving these offices as a mint, that many take the lives of others to ascend. Quite bad!

It should be one hundred percent the will of the people and not just that of a few rich and powerful class. The election should reflect the choice of the people because their welfare is at stake.

As some have earlier referred to politics as a game, a loser therefore must emerge at the end, too bad! This person should embrace the spirit of sportsmanship, accept and congratulate the winner just like former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan conceded defeat in the 2015 polls even as an incumbent.

In the end we must uphold our peace and unity over our personal interest and ambitions. This is what makes good politicians and a civilized society.

I call on the good and peaceful people of Nigeria; men, women and youth to go out and exercise their civic responsibility with dignity and integrity cum Saturday, February, 23.

It is not a coincidence that Valentine's Day (Love Day) came before our elections, it is a reminder that Love should come first in everything we do.

Do not spread Fake News. 

Do not engage in violence.

Do not sell your vote.

Vote wisely 

And the end what makes the difference is in one simple question, Did I vote?

God bless Nigeria.

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