
Thursday 21 February 2019


First let me say, I am not a government student of any academic classroom both locally and internationally but we are all students of government in the classroom of life.

You are not just in government or politics when you become a president, governor or minister, we can’t all be that, we are in politics even as citizens watching Nickelodeon in our homes, lol…

Every citizen all over the world has a single role, this is to help the government build his or her country.

Government originated from God himself. It is not anti-Christ like many believe.

Politics is not just a practice, life itself is politics.

This is why I feel emotional every time when someone make statements like; “I’m not into politics”, “What has government got to offer me?”, “I live abroad and whatever is happening in my home country doesn’t bother me” or “I do not make a living from government”

Let us clarify this;

The government is the reason why you own a business.

The government is why you have education. 

They are the reason you can access healthcare. 

The government is reason you live in security. 

The government is why you are not oppressed or intimidated by others. 

The government is the reason why you go to your place of worship.

The government is the reason you live abroad. 

The government is the reason you have a job. 

They government is the reason why you even have a family.

The government is the reason why we have a society at all.

Yes, and yes!

Government is an institution for good men and women who have decided to voluntarily give their lives, wealth, reputation, honour, ego and comfort to work for the security, prosperity, progress, peace and unity of the people within their sovereignty.

Even though some few evil men and women have infiltrated the confines of government, government is reserved for good men and women. It is reserved for noble men, very intelligent and creative people, deep and positive thinkers, people-loving persons, selfless individuals, humble, and peace-loving people.

They make intelligent decisions that holds us together. Shouldn’t we love and admire them?

On the flipside, government is not divine, they are human beings like you and I. They have emotions, they have families and friends, they make mistakes, they are threatened by the same things that threatens you, yet they make the ultimate decision and take the bold step of laying down their ideas, talent, skills, intelligence, hard-work and even their lives for others.

They sacrifice their sleep, health, rest, energy, family and even their lives to keep us together, the way God wants us to live. What a huge sacrifice!

When things don't work out well we curse them out and blame them. We call them some of the worse names imaginable. All these just because they decide to serve everyone. Yet they continue to serve with all their might. This is grace!

Aren’t the men and women in government just amazing?

Photo Credit: Victor Abia Campaign #DidIVote

Imagine the kind of life we would live without government. It would be total “Anarchy”

They may not meet up to our expectations and they never will but a good government give their best and comfort each day to ensure that we co-exist in peace and unity.
We must appreciate those who make these sacrifices for us all.

It is a sin, not to pray for our government!

Where we continue to make mistakes is where we ascribe “Omniscience, Omnipresent and Omnipotent status” to government. We do this by expecting government to know everything, be everywhere and have all power. Only God has these characteristics.

In Democracy, we fortunately share the responsibility of governing and governance. It is a system of government where we are led the way we want to be led.

How? By first, selecting someone who will listen to the people who selected him or her with their votes in a free and fair election, and secondly, by providing support for the people you selected in ways like calling their attention to matters around you that are of interest not just to your family and friends but to the general public.

Only cowards will decide to take a back seats in the matters of our democracy. Champions will rise up whenever and wherever matters of national interest arise and at least lend their voices and stand at all time with their government within the law.

Nigeria and the rest of Africa must fully engage in governance and play their active roles as citizens. The government wants you to be involved and not vice versa like popular belief. We must refuse to be intimidated as a people because Power is actually with the People.

The failure of the government is the failure of us all and we must share in the consequences.

Our children will want to know that the country they now live was not always like this but that their parents did their best for a better country.

We as citizens must be obedient to the law, defend our rights, support and persevere with government towards achieving our dreams as a nation.

For emphasis, the people are the real government, and their failure to contribute their quota to governance is the reason why we continue to suffer from the hands of wicked government in Africa and some parts of the world.

We must commend the government of Nigeria for their commitments and contributions towards peace and unity since we joined the civilized world in Democracy in 1999.

I appreciate everyone from the from Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Alhaji Musa Yar’Adua, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan to our current no-nonsense president, His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari and their entire team.

The country will never forget your contributions and sacrifices to our nationhood. God bless you all.

It is nearly impossible to organize a few people in a family, let alone a whole nation. 

Someone could say, “They knew what they were getting themselves into”, If they didn’t, would you. And if you wouldn’t and they didn’t, what kind of society would we have?

I strongly think we should take out a period on our national calendar, be it a day or even a week, to celebrate these men and women of courage. It doesn't have to be a public holiday. I really admire the United States’ “President’s Day”, Nigeria should emulate this. 

This should be a time to appreciate and celebrate our leaders in government for their love and determination as well as enlighten the public on the role of government to their well being.

No nation is rich enough to pay their government. No nation on the earth!

As Nigerians and Africans or wherever we come from, we may not have what we should have, we may not be where we ought to be, we may not enjoy what some are already enjoying but if we keep our democracy alive and give it a chance, we would have more than enough for ourselves and our unborn generation.

Our children will live in peace and security and be free to express their rights as human beings of a civilized nation, if and only if like in the words of Adams Oshiomhole, we are not feeble minded like cowards but remain determined knowing that nothing good comes easy and also if we all, both leaders and citizens will say with former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan that our ambition is not worth the live of a single Nigerian.

We have everything it takes to succeed as a nation, and that everything is you and me.

Go out and vote, it's you right but do not tamper with the ballot boxes, lol….

God bless Nigeria.

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